Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What to do NOW?

I am here... at my job... waiting for the phone to ring or the email to ding or the office girls to sing or... just about anything!!  There is nothing to do!  I am to be here for at least 2 more hours and there is nothing to work on.  I am customer service so if there aren't any customers to serve, I am in ?????????????  what happens in the void of customer service?  I have spent time of facebook.  I have visited others but don't want to be gone too long in case, just in case there is a customer afoot that I could serve.  So far, no luck.  I have talked with 4 customers all day.  I have been here for 7 hours so far, 4 customers served.  Check!  NOW WHAT???  I am not used to waiting.  I usually have a project or 2 or 10 to work on.  I usually have an idea of what is coming down the pike so that I can get started on it.  I usually... have a job I love doing and do it well.  Ahhhh  here we go again, me missing my old job.  See how it just creeps up on me like that?  I miss messing around with Jordan or even more, me and Jordan messing around with Rhonda!  I miss the frequent interruptions.  I miss the comfortableness of knowing what to do next without someone having to tell me.  I miss being creative and thinking into the future. 
God, you put me here.  I really don't know why.  I am not loving it.  Is this really what you had in mind?  What should I be thinking about?  What should I be learning?  What should I be talking about?  What should I do now?
I love you, I'll be patient.  Please hurry.

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