Friday, August 26, 2011

I talk to the radio

I drive.  I drive to work in the morning, home in the evening, around the village at lunch just for the scenery.  I drive kids back and forth to and from their friends' homes, church events and school activities.  I drive to the grocery stor, mall, office supply store and of course the dollar store.  I drive out to dinner, breakfast on the weekends and yes, to lunch as well.  I drive.  I don't care to be a passenger.  I like to drive.   Passengers change with the task.  Often times my daughter is with me, my husband on occasion and less and less my son, who now has also become a driver.  I drive friends or kids of friends or friends of my kids.  Where I travel changes as well.  Sometimes a short errand sometimes a long journey.  But... I drive.  The connection always is my radio.  I have my radio set to a family friendly radio station that can be heard by anyone who happens to be in my car.  I don't worry about inappropriate language or off color humor.  The radio station engages me in a very real sort of way.  I'm not sure if it's because I ride with them every morning on my way to work or if it is because they are asking and I feel the need to help.  But, while I'm driving... I talk to the radio!!  Is that weird??  They have people who call in with dilemas that they need answers to, I answer them!  They have contests that people call into win, I answer those!  Sometimes though, I just feel like they need to hear a piece of my wisdom.  So, I call in.  Then I start rehearsing!   I run over in my head what I'm going to say.  I say it again and again.  the phone is ringing.  I say it again just to be sure it sounds all right.  the phone is answered.  I use my "radio calm voice" and tell my story.  Then... I forget what I was going to say.  REALLY!  It doesn't seem important anymore.  It isn't as profound as I had thought, just seconds before hand.  It seems that once it comes out of my mouth it is gone.  Disappearing both in memory and in importance.  So now, as I drive I talk to the radio.  Just the radio.  I quit calling in, I decided that if I can keep the profoundness alive just a little bit longer, I will.  Then, I will share it with my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this gave me a chuckle - because I was imagining being a passenger on that heated seat - LOL. You are so exactly YOU, and that is what I love about you Friend. Write ON!

    Loved reading this! =)
