Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 3

I am here, almost ready for another day.  I ask you now for strength.  I ask you now for nerves that won't fray.  I ask you for humor in the day and peace in my soul.  I only have half a day.  Thank you for letting me spend the afternoon with Sydney.  She is such a bright spot in my world.  Thank you for giving her to me even though I didn't even know I wanted a girl.  Thank you for giving her such a sweet spirit and intuitive mind.  Please give us some special time together today.  I hope that we're going to be able to help Greg and his family.  Please open doors for us to talk about the non profit and how to fund it.  Use us well today.
I love you!  Thanks for coming with me to work today.  STAY CLOSE!!  I'm going to need you!

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