Monday, April 4, 2011

Not quite yet

I don't quite have the hang of this blog thing yet.  I am not really trying to learn though.  Every now and then I just type myself a note... kinda.

I am still struggling a bit through this unemployment cycle I am in.  I have interviewed twice with a company that seems like they would love to have me work there.  Another meeting set for this coming Wednesday will surely have more answers? I hope so.  One side of it is that this job will offer me security, some monetary, but mostly for benefits and social comfort.  The other side is that I will be doing WORK!  I know this sounds silly, but I don't want to WORK!  I want to minister.  I have seen so much to do and even have ideas about ways to do it.  I don't know if I can just turn off my passion and "go to work".  I don't even know if I should.  I am praying, here publicly, that God will just "plop" me where He would like me to be.  I am beginning to seek advice and help in starting a non-profit so that I will be able to accept grants and donations and support to begin what I hope will be a fruitful ministry teaching children character in elementary schools.  It will benefit the children, higher character brings higher success.  It will benefit the schools, but offering these services at little or no cost, the schools will not have to spend money that they could be spending elsewhere.  It will benefit the cities that we teach.  Citizens of good character are of course what will change the world we live in!

I hope to be someone that they know they can come to with problems or needs.  I hope to be a support to the schools.  I hope to change the lives of kids and their families.  I hope to be a Christian out loud.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you share your heart. You know I am praying that God will PLOP you in the right place. Praying also that Wednesday will be an "aha!" slamming door or open WIDE moment one way or the other.

    You might try Twitter w/ #nonprofit or some other key hashtags to get peoples' attention. You might get garbage, but you might glean some good information as well.

    Love you Friend!
