Monday, April 11, 2011

First Day

Today is the first day of my new job.  It's not a career - yet.  It's a job.  I am working for money and benefits.  I have no vested interest in this.  I feel like I am selling out.  I could be using my time so much better!  Couldn't I ?  At least I am being a partner for my family and helping with the benefits.  At least I have something to do during the day.  At least I have some income.  At least, that's where I am now, the least.

Thank you for providing this place for me.  Thank you for giving me something to keep me busy.  Please use me, today... tomorrow... soon!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying sweet Friend! I know this is a tough time, and I am praying that God will show you the doors that you should pass through at this time... and that He will give you peace when you have passed through the doors, knowing that HE works all things together for GOOD. Remember, this might be the (work)place where God shows you someone who knows all the non-profit/grant stuff you want to know!

    Please trust that He IS USING you every day. Recently I heard this about your leaving: "she showed INSTRUCTIONAL MATURITY that we could all learn from." Yes, really - a quote. Remember the words that you used to tell people "it will be okay?" Keep believing them. God prepared you. God brought you to this place. He has not walked away.

    Know that you are loved... and NOT forgotten (down-side of a large church in 2 locations, yes?) Love you so much! ~Sal
