Thursday, January 1, 2015

Praying for God's creativity in my life throughout 2015

As we tend to do, I have been trying to create a reset for myself for 2015. I have been trying to recreate my attitude, change my living patterns and make a sticking decision. I want a conviction behind my resolution this year that will be a conviction that will preempt any of my desires or decisions that will follow. I need change.
I realized that being more energetic is good but not that conviction I am looking for. Losing weight, cleaning out clutter, being in time, eating healthier (go ahead and jump in when you recognize your resolution!) even choosing a character of God to claim as a resolution Joy, Discipline, Self Control Etc.  These are also great ideas and positive directions to take but I needed something more for 2015. I am in need of God. More than what I can do, I need HIM to do it!  This year I needs God to step into my life, my day, my minutes with his creativity. I need him to recreate me, reassign my purposes, reawaken my passions and renew my abilities to serve him.  I am resoluting in 2015 to make room in my life for God to be creative!  This will most likely mean more early mornings. More workouts. More healthy eating. More Bible study. More time alone in reflection and writing and less TV time. Those will all be steps to my one resolution to create in me a place for Christ to resurrect and do it creatively!  Here's to 2015, I can't wait for what is to come!

1 comment:

  1. I pray that 2015 will be an amazing year of creative transformation in your life... because of God. xo
