Friday, January 2, 2015

Hello 2015!  Today is Friday.  Can we start fresh on Monday?  I know, I know but really... I just like to start things fresh on Monday. 

Yesterday was so nice with time to sleep in, reflect, refresh etc.  Why did we have to start the reality today already? hahaha  After watching OSU win the Big 10 Championship last night after midnight and not sleeping too well, this morning was HARSH!  It's been a slow sleepy kind of day so far.  I am on day 2 of the 21 day Junkfood challenge.  No white flour, sugar, cookies, crackers, candy, fastfood, soda and other assorted unhealthy things.  So far, I am doing good.

I keep thinking back to yesterday.  If I am going to make room for God to be creative in my life, what does that mean?  Today, it means that I will try to eat healthier so that he can do more with my body.  What if God has plans for me to be a model in my 60s due to my thin figure and young looking features?  I had better plan for that!  AND... yes, it will take all of my 50s to make that true! hahahha

Seriously though, I don't want to be laden with extra weight if what God needs me to be is svelte and healthy.  

I hope that by Monday, when I am ready to start fresh, I will be on day 5 of this 21 day Junkfood Challenge!  In the mean time, I have to go to lunch - I know I know... no fast food or soda.

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