Monday, March 21, 2011

Today is Monday

I woke up this morning in an interesting mood.  I was rested.  I was silly.  I was not in a hurry.  I didn't need to get ready for anything.
See, a few weeks ago, I was downsized from my job.  I think that's a funny way to put it.  I would love to be downsized from a lot of things, butt, legs, belly fat, but not job!  Anyway, there are some things that you wait to do until you have a "day off" I did those.  Today is Monday, I am beginning my first week of really nothing to do.  I am feeling useless in some ways, I am not quite sure what do begin.  I am feeling lazy in some ways, I hate to do laundry which is the ONE THING that always needs done and is constantly haunting me from the basement.  I am feeling indulgent.  I took the kids to school in sweat pants that I had tucked my nightgown into so that I could get quickly bad into bed when I got home.  I am feeling excited.  There are many new opportunities for me out there.  I am looking forward to researching non profit status and seeing if there isn't a way to get paid for my character education classes that I love doing so much.  I feel scared.  I haven't been in this state of employment for a very long time.  I don't know what is next.  I am hopeful and my hope is in Christ, please pray that my security will be as well.  I know what I believe, God please let me believe what I know.  Today is Monday.  I had better get started... on WHAT?

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