Tuesday, August 30, 2011


My friend Sally and I have said this a million times to each other.  It is always said with a smile and often a giggle as well.  Sometime, it is barely able to be said through the laughter and rolling tears that accompany the belly laughter.  Really??  It's the declaration that whatever is to come next is absurd, ridiculous, preposterous, outrageous and we have to share it.  We have to share it right now and with each other! 
It's awesome to have a Really? friend to call. 
Lately, it seems like I kind of live in REALLY? land.  My work with the public has me often saying REALLY?  My parenting experience has more REALLY? moments as the kids get older.  And my wifing, well... REALLY???? hahahhaha 

Each time this word comes into my day, I smile, I laugh and I enjoy it.  I think that God plans it that way for me.  REALLY!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

I talk to the radio

I drive.  I drive to work in the morning, home in the evening, around the village at lunch just for the scenery.  I drive kids back and forth to and from their friends' homes, church events and school activities.  I drive to the grocery stor, mall, office supply store and of course the dollar store.  I drive out to dinner, breakfast on the weekends and yes, to lunch as well.  I drive.  I don't care to be a passenger.  I like to drive.   Passengers change with the task.  Often times my daughter is with me, my husband on occasion and less and less my son, who now has also become a driver.  I drive friends or kids of friends or friends of my kids.  Where I travel changes as well.  Sometimes a short errand sometimes a long journey.  But... I drive.  The connection always is my radio.  I have my radio set to a family friendly radio station that can be heard by anyone who happens to be in my car.  I don't worry about inappropriate language or off color humor.  The radio station engages me in a very real sort of way.  I'm not sure if it's because I ride with them every morning on my way to work or if it is because they are asking and I feel the need to help.  But, while I'm driving... I talk to the radio!!  Is that weird??  They have people who call in with dilemas that they need answers to, I answer them!  They have contests that people call into win, I answer those!  Sometimes though, I just feel like they need to hear a piece of my wisdom.  So, I call in.  Then I start rehearsing!   I run over in my head what I'm going to say.  I say it again and again.  the phone is ringing.  I say it again just to be sure it sounds all right.  the phone is answered.  I use my "radio calm voice" and tell my story.  Then... I forget what I was going to say.  REALLY!  It doesn't seem important anymore.  It isn't as profound as I had thought, just seconds before hand.  It seems that once it comes out of my mouth it is gone.  Disappearing both in memory and in importance.  So now, as I drive I talk to the radio.  Just the radio.  I quit calling in, I decided that if I can keep the profoundness alive just a little bit longer, I will.  Then, I will share it with my blog.