Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Do you have a title?

Wow! It's been quite some time since I have posted a blog entry.  I guess that makes it official, I was not a blogger.  But since I am posting today, does that make it official that I am once again a blogger?  These titles are something that I have been rolling around in my head lately.  I have been thinking about confidence, self discipline, entitlements and titles.  More specifically, how these things apply to my parenting and even my life as I prepare to have an empty nest and a second half of life to prepare for.

I have always considered myself to be capable.  I can do most things well.  I find very few things that I am not able to complete.  I can sing.  I can play the piano, clarinet and violin.  I can draw.  I have not ever considered myself to be a singer, musician or artist.  I am now wondering why not?

As my daughter is getting older, I find that she is so much more capable than I.  She can really sing well often leading worship at church and even the Star Spangled Banner at the High School Basketball games!  She plays the clarinet better than most and has a true talent for drawing and painting.  She even ministers to others by facepainting and creating henna designs.  Her artistic talent seems to ooze out of her fingertips and yet when recently asked, she said that she would not consider herself a singer, musician or even an artist.

She said that she enjoys those things, but it is not what defines what or who she is. 

When we give ourselves titles, are we limiting who or what we are?  Are we assuming that this title will help us decide what we should do and what direction we should take?  Are we allowing this title to offer us a place that we belong?

When we give ourselves titles, are we claiming a skill or talent for ourselves?  Are we declaring that we are proficient at or actually good at a particular skill. 

When we give ourselves titles, do we expect that others will believe us?  Do we share our titles so that others will know or so that they will not question.  Eleanor Roosevelt said that if you have to proclaim you are a lady then you certainly are not. 

When we hear a self proclaimed title do we believe it?  Do you ever find yourself saying "but he is a musician!" of course I would pay to hear his music.  Or I don't know what that is a picture of, but it must be art because she created it and she is an artist?  I have seen many pieces of "art" that to me appear to be paint on canvas with things glued on it.  I have seen many "photographs" that to me, appear to be a picture that was taken.  (if you're having a hard time thinking of one, think how many pictures you recently saw on rail road tracks.)

I think that it takes a certain amount of confidence to declare a title for yourself.  Good for the girl who will declare she is an artist regardless of the approval she receives from her peers when they see her "art".  But care should also be taken to assure that the girl doesn't let "artist" be anything more than a title.  It should not define who she is, what she is, how she thinks or what her value is based on.  It can merely describe what she does.

If you have ever given yourself a title, good for you. If you haven't, please step up and make that declaration.  But don't allow it to define you in any way.  You are the creator of the title, it cannot create who you are.  Today, I think I will be a Blogger!